A totally random snippet for you to enjoy.

Another thing from my writing group. The challenge was to write a random snippet inspired by a song. To read this snippet you must listen to the song at the same time, otherwise the effect will be not as I have designed it to be.
Here is the song:
The mist floated around the mountains like breath. Across the green slopes of the steep hills, a figure appeared. Dressed in the same color as her surroundings, she looked like a piece of the earth. Her golden hair streamed out behind her, glinting in the rising sun like liquid gold.
This was Aritha, the land of the sun dragons.
The woman stopped at the edge of a cliff. Its slate-gray sides accented the vibrant green of the grass and trees.
Raising her hand above her head, she held up something that flashed in the sunlight. A golden medallion set with a giant emerald.
The woman held the medallion high, scanning the sky as if she were looking for someone.
A streak of gold parted the mist. The rush of its fiery wings as he circled in the sky above her caused the woman’s dark green cloak to be tossed up into the air.
She looked up at the dragon and called out to it in a strange tongue.
“Cela vies Ember.”
The golden dragon cocked his head in her direction and swirled down towards her.
She backed up as he landed on the edge of the cliff, crumbling the rock, which fell thousands of feet down into the mist.
In the midst of his glowing golden scales, his eyes shone a brilliant green, pulsating swirls, the essence of the earth and the depths of the sea.
He raised his head majestically.
You have called me.
The woman raised her head and gazed into his eyes.
They have come, Ember.
The dragon nodded.
Very well. It is what we have prepared for. You are a child of Aritha and sky, but I, I am a protector of the stars and the sun.
The woman smiled.
Whatever happens, Ember, I shall never forget you.
Ember bowed his head for a moment, then rose back up into the air, his great wings carrying him up into the sky beyond sight.
The woman placed the medallion on a chain and hung it around her neck.
Farewell, Ember.
Above photo is copywrite by Legend Fiction, to view their website, click on the photo or on the link. Legend Fiction
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