Worlds and Wonder

Hello, everyone, and happy New Year!!

I’ve got two things for you guys today. First, a short snippet I wrote for fun and inspiration. It’s sort of a dark retelling of a fairy tale, so try to see if you can figure out which one!


A pulse of cold power rippled through the air, and a hushed breath of air stirred the hall, which stretched away, carved out of an infinity of stone, some giant of time.

The power lowered itself down before a still figure and caressed the frozen face. It’s touch as tender as a kiss… as dangerous as death.


My eyes flickered open, and I surveyed the abandoned hall.

I reached out and brushed away the cobwebs off my face and stood, my bare feet resting against the icy stone floor.

My dark red gown flowed down in silky lengths and trailed behind me. I walked to the end of the cold stone room and looked back.

A cold light filtered from the window onto the silver throne set in the center of the room.

I reached up and lifted a heavy crown off my head, staring at the twisted, tarnished pinnacles glittering with rubies, a delicate spider’s web woven between them.

I smiled.

Slowly, I replaced the crown atop my head, resting it in my dark curls.

I put my hands against the black doors and pushed.

Where my hands touched the black iron, thin silver vines grew, twisting over each other, creating an arch. A single rose bloomed at its height, a dark, blood-red drop against the black and silver.

Then, I stepped through the arch.

A faint, silvery voice sang, echoing off the vast hall in the damp, empty gloom.

The queen had awoken.

The curse had begun.


Yup, dark. I still don’t know why this happens so much in my writing. 😂

Ok, and next, I have a little announcement. I am at 54k in my work in progress, Storm, A Pre-Dystopian/Contemporary Fantasy/Thriller. I started this story in August of this year, and it has come so far!

To celebrate, I took some actual quotes from the story and put them together. Here it is!

As I pushed the door open, I could feel the cold draft from the room through my thick shirt. It was more than a dream—more than a small girl’s fantasy. Now, it had real weight; my life hung on it.

I stood in front of the folding table and came to attention. Four men were seated behind the table. Their faces all said the same thing.

Let’s get this over with.

“Cristy Madden,” A dark man said, rising from his seat.

“Yes, sir.”

“How long have you been training for the Night Corps?”

“Five years, sir.”

“Really?” His black brows raised themselves from his equally black eyes. “Only five?”

I stared back. You were never supposed to answer that question.

“Show us your dossier.”

A scrap of paper fluttered from the bottom of the purse.

I stared at it.

Something was written on the opposite side in red ink. It soaked through the thin paper and left spots like bloodstains.

I reached down and picked it up. On the note was scrawled four words.

You are being watched.

“Want to see something magical?”

I looked up into the twisted man’s face and nodded.

“Of course.”

Now or never.

Will cast his eyes over my face. Shattered tears glinting in his pale blue irises.

“You are going to have to join someone at some point.”

My fingers dug into the edge of the couch.

“Everyone is after you, Christy. You are going to have to choose. Now.”

“Now,” I whispered.

“Now,” Silas said.

I picked up my dagger and took a step back.


I whirled around to see my dad running towards me. Behind him, Eric turned, a snarl on his face, and pointed his gun at me.

“Run!” he screamed. “RUN!”

I clutched my head and sobbed.

Not now, not again.

I took a deep breath and rammed my shoulder against the door with all my might.

The door flew open with a splintering crash, throwing me across the room, I slammed into the far wall.

Picking myself off, I turned to see the door swinging listlessly on its hinges. Bits of doorframe were everywhere and a hole was punched in the plaster where I landed.

I looked around the empty halls and slipped the key into my pants pocket, then headed for the side stairs.

Shouts rang out in the hall behind me, heavy footfalls and the sound of a door banging open.

I hit the door for the staircase and a fire alarm went off, blaring from speakers in the ceiling.


I stiffened, my fingers were clammy, and I could hear the air in my lungs as I breathed, I could almost hear the heartbeat of every person behind me.

Every soul locked in the darkness with no hope of escape.

Every person who lived their life to become a fighter only to learn they were deceived.

Every crushed spirit, trapped in the place they called home, beaten into submission and broken beyond repair.

I was going to fight for them.

I thrust my face into his, feeling every gun in the room turn towards me.

“You are fighting us now.” I whispered. “For what you have done.” I clenched my fists, holding back the burning tears. “For what you plan to do.”

“Tell me!” I shouted to the sky. “TELL ME WHO I AM.”

A shattering throb of thunder ripped through the air, lightning forked. A terrific crash followed with the sound of shattering glass.

I felt my necklace shatter, thousands of tiny blue shards falling from a silver pendant. They scattered at my feet, glinting in the rain.

A feeling flowed through me that rivaled the anger, and for one second, rivaled the grief.

A feeling of ultimate knowing.

I was thunder.

I was rain.

I was a million elements tied into a bundle and sent to walk the earth.

I was Storm.

That was defiantly something I had not tried before, so I hope it worked out XD

Till next time, Happy New Year, and God bless!

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Above photo is copywrite by Legend Fiction, to view their website, click on the photo or on the link. Legend Fiction

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