Forgotten (Quite literally)

Hello everyone!

I cannot believe I missed last week’s blog post. I was insanely busy completing the word count with CWW. But now I will get a post out, so here it goes.

You may view the title of this blog post with some apprehension; I shall refresh your minds for you.

If any of you remember the post I put out last year September (and for those who do not), here is the link: Forgotten.

I suggest you refresh your memory on that post because I will post the novella I promised, and I will edit and expand it at the same time.

Let’s hope this works.

For all you creative writers out there, I mentioned CWW above, which is a wonderful once-a-year challenge that just ended. (If I had half a brain, I would have given you guys the link before…)

Here is the link anyway, in case you want to mark it on the calendar for next year.

And so, without further ado, I shall make another blog post to post the first chapter! Stay tuned : D

Read the next entry in the Forgotten series here.

Excited for more? Drop your thoughts in the comments below!

Above photo is copywrite by Legend Fiction, to view their website, click on the photo or on the link. Legend Fiction

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