Calling all faithful subscribers! What do you want to read?

Please tell me what you want to read! What you vote on will help me decide what to write for this upcoming month. All stories will be sent out as serialized fiction. The poll will be open for a week, after which I will begin brainstorming. I have a few stories up my sleeve, but I want everyone to help me decide.
Dragon Lore. Do you want an adventure through the land of the ancient dragons? Be taken with a tour guide to the distant island of Drath, to learn the secrets of the dragons.
Stories from a Crazy Person’s Diary. Want something lighter? A quirky, sarcastic, hilarious journey with a crazy family and annoying relatives? Have a heartwarming adventure, that you might even relate to!
The White Lion. A message courier discovers the tracks of the elusive White Lion that had been invading the nearby villages. With little time to warn the people of the White Lion’s next target, dare he go after the beast?
There Be Trolls. Young Maddi and her pet fire fox love adventure…maybe a bit to much. Travel with Maddi and Spark, as they get lost in the troll forest. Will they be able to escape?
Above photo is copywrite by Legend Fiction, to view their website, click on the photo or on the link. Legend Fiction
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