Mission: Spy

Today, I have a real treat for you! (and since I have not posted since September 😬) This is a comedy, Medival fantasy setting snippet (despite the misleading title).

I hope you enjoy it!

Mission: Spy

I stopped as the dark form of a sentry slid past me.

The archer paused and glared at the rooftop suspiciously. Then he turned back to his post.

I breathed a silent sigh of relief, unwound a coil of rope, and hefted it silently in my fingers.

Goal: reach the tower.

Crouching low, I walked along the edge of the parapet. Checking again for sentries, I stood and tossed my rope into the sky.

The sharp click of the grapnel against the stone followed. I tugged on the rope to ensure it was secure, then climbed up it.

My fingers gripped the rough, cold stone as I pulled myself onto the windowsill and peered into the dark room. Something strangely familiar was about the room, but I shook the feeling off.


The black leather bag was in a chest. It was embroidered with an elegant A, and it rattled softly as I pulled it out of the chest and tucked it into my belt.

I gathered my rope in the blackness and stole away from the castle.

Mission accomplished.

* * *

I dumped the bag on the polished tabletop with a smile. The gold coins spilled out onto the table, glittering in the candlelight.

I plopped down in the chair opposite and grinned at the tall, poised man sitting across from me.

“What do you think?” I said, leaning back and pulling off my black gloves.

The man reached forward and picked up a gold coin reflectively.

* * *

“Request denied?” I slammed the paper on the secretary’s table and roared into her delicate face.

“I did the mission, did I not?”

The auburn-haired woman stayed utterly composed as she daubed spittle off the edge of her desk.

“That’s what the Administrator told me,” she said and tapped the papers. “This is your leave. You might want to apply for a different spy job.”

“Well, what did I do wrong?” I stormed.

Before she could respond, her partner secretary came running, papers flying from her arms as she wildly tore behind the desk and dumped her load on several daggers for the new assassins in training.

“Paisley,” she gasped, quivering with excitement. “The Administrator was ROBBED last night!”

She squeaked with the word ‘robbed’ and flopped into her chair so dramatically that I was afraid she would break the poor thing to bits.

Paisly leaned in and rudely ignored me, “Really?” She asked, “Know anything else?”

The woman nodded and leaned forward, her chair groaning and creaking in desperate disagreement.

“Some novice spy got mixed up and stole from the wrong castle! He stole from the Administrator’s wife, and boy, is she raging!”

That was enough. Picking up my papers, I hightailed them out of the building before I could be identified.

* * *

The sun shined cheerfully on the bustling village streets and taunted me and my predicament.

I stared down at the paper again and sighed. This happened a lot.

A shadow fell over me.

I looked up.

A tall woman stood over me. She was staring at me critically.

“Can I help you?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said, “I am looking for a bodyguard.”

I perked up, “You are?”

She looked me over again. “Are you for hire?” she asked. “I can give you a bag of gold as a down payment if you start immediately.”

“A-are you sure?” I hesitated, “I mean, I would love to.”

She smiled, “I know a good bodyguard when I see one.”

She passed me a small black leather bag which clinked pleasingly.

“Will that be enough?”

“Oh yes,” I said, “I will start immediately.” I glanced down at the bag again before tucking it in my belt, and my heart nearly stopped when I saw the symbol on it.

An elegant, embroidered A.

“What am I guarding you from?” I asked cautiously.

“Robbers,” she said decisively. “I have been plagued by them recently, and my husband will do nothing about it.”

I hastily tied the back to my belt and followed after her.

Goal: Catch a robber.

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Above photo is copyright by Legend Fiction, to view their website, click on the photo or on the link. Legend Fiction

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